03/09/10 - More knob stuff, pedals and painted tunnel
start with the tunnel. After much deliberation, I decided to
paint the tunnel with the same stuff I painted the floor with.
It's a decision I do not regret:
I felt like the pedals were a little on the BARE side... Had to
give them my custom touch... so since I am having the splitter
burned out of 10GA 5053 AL, I decided to have some pedal covers made as
well. I drew some with text, and some without. Here are
some renders of the ones WITH text...
E30 GT-R yooo. fuhraze:
Lastly I drew a NEW shift knob... :) I give you, the jewknob:
I got that printed, shown with the NFG knob:
Then I got those bastards painted... the jewknob is such a vile
color. I love it. Both are going to get loaded with a 2
part clear coat before use...
Until next time. Stay posi. :D